Depicting light in my oil paintings is my main focus. I spend much of my time in the landscape noting the light. This inspires me. Light is constantly changing and I attempt to capture these moments in my paintings. If you stand back from my paintings there is a point at which the whole image clicks together and at this point the abstracted shapes of the paint and surface work together to give a lifelike focus in the painting. I mix my Oil paint using the key primary colours Red, Yellow and Blue to gain dense but intense Blacks and greys and a range of other colours. From these three colours my palette develops – I find a restrictive palette helps to focus the paintings. I use palette knife, an old credit card and paint brushes to vary textures and transparency in my oil painting. The palette knife allows me to bring more texture and spontaneity to the oil paint and not get hung up on detail. At end of the day I want to convey the aesthetic rawness of the Welsh landscape.